How Big To Use My Emp Slot Machine Jammer

so you can see when I did put the EMP Jammer Nearby And Jamm It, The LED Freezes On to All The Colours Hey What’s going on guys Its Kedar here and here is my new Version of EMP Jammer, as you can see its now portable and you can carry it anywhere and is battery powered now and it has more range than the previous version so…

EMP Generator Schematic: These are my plans for an EMP Generator. It uses flash circuits from disposable cameras to power the coil. I plan to make an instructable of it soon. Leave me any comments or tips. The parts list is as follows: 1project box 3 flash circui.

How big to use my emp slot machine jammer fish game

here’s the power button right here so you can quickly turn it on and off and here’s the spark gap you can change the spark gap frequency by pushing this button by changing the spark gap frequency easily and you can jamm various kinds of devices with this button so.. let me show you what is inside this jammer, on to the top side the top plate right here, I used 5 turns of copper coil and wounded in the RECTANGULAR SHAPE! of body i used 32 gauge wire, here is the magnetic wire that you can find in Motor’s and another kind of electromagnetic stuff And the main part in this jammer is right here, this High Voltage Converter Basically it will converts the ,3.7v from this battery into 400 kilovolts ! that it claims the mysterious part that people have asked me about this is spark gap right here so basically what this spark gap ? right here is basically two wires and separated by a distance and between them is air so .. what will happen when high voltage comes into two contact points the (electric) arc will jump over these two wires and basically short out this connections I use these spark gap in series with this coil so ,basically this coil will generate high voltage pulses and the device you put next to it will easy to get damage surely I’m telling you these by my practicle experiance ,becouse i jammed my multimeter, my watch my bicycle watch my mobile even!

it’s not that good if you know if you jamm your mobile phone with this…. ok guy’s so let’s close this up and let’s see how you can operate it it fits good , so you have to push this switch to turn it on and probably you’re hearing the spark inside this spark gap right here you can change the jammer frequency by pushing this button the LED has inbuit controller chip inside it so i just given power supply to it, so as you can see when i put the device jammer nearby and jamm it the LED just freezes on to all the colours and its getting quiet hot so its just latched up it’s now stuck onto the blink sketch it forgot my orignal arduino voltmeter sketch and its not running voltmeter sketch right now this EMP Jammer is so pwerful that i jammed my multimeter and now it is not doing anything i also jammed my watch, my bycycle watch and my another multimeter I don’t recommend to put this device even nearby to your any kind of electronic so please take care the connection of emp jammer very simple you can see we have 3.7v – 4.2v battery right here and you just have to put switch between high voltage converter and battery and when you push the switch the current flows through the high voltage converter, and high voltage converter will give very high voltage on to these terminals and you connect one terminal of this coil right here and put spark gap switch that is similar to this.

How Big To Use My Emp Slot Machine Jammer Circuit

Switch in between these terminals so that is very simple so what happened you push this switch there’s arc between inside of this switch and it will generate decent amount of plusating spark here in coil by doing so it will generate high electromagnetic field which is alternating in nature at this coil so right now i have made an loop of oscilloscope probe as you can see i just shorted this ground clip to the oscilloscope channel 1 and and when i put the emp jammer nearby this loop coil well you can see that it is getting 1 volts it is getting 1 volts induced into the oscilloscope probe so that 1 volts if get induced into all the nodes of circuit then then it can surely damage any kind of circuit very easily so please use this device very carefully!!! this has lot of potential in it keeping these distance also, it is inducing 1 volts peak to peak if i removed the loop if i removed the loop its geeting 200 milivots roughly subscribe to my channel for more videos like this i will updating the next version of this emp jammer soon.

EMP Jammer slot machine jammer

slot machine jammer for sale Power supply voltage: 36V
Working voltage: 36V
Jammer Working mode: 450MHZ direct frequency + adjustable mixing frequency
Antenna mode: built-in + enhanced external [removable]
Instrument color: Crystal
Emitter size: 50X50X21MM
Battery size:50X40X21MM
Instrument power: 20W
Power switch: no
Heat radiation mode: internal heat sink
Trial models: single slot machine, line slot machines, roulette slot machine coin type, paper type, type of lottery, the electronic currency read card reader.
Instrument features: This machine adopt two kinds of frequency two independent switch design, straight frequency for small slot machines, coin, suitable for large-scale game machine consists of pulse, a clear division of labor, use range is wide,

The basic version of slot machine jammer for sale EMP Jammer. One of the first devices on the market while still very popular. High performance / 27Volts /, the possibility of changes in pulse, small size and easy operation. Can be used as a wireless, or antenna.

Device designed to test slot, vending, change, cafe, cigarette and other machines. The favorable price and extensive use of this device is still popular around the world. Package includes: jammer, battery charger, a spacer, universal adapter, antenna.

Die Basisversion der EMP Jammer slot machine jammer for sale . Eines der ersten Geräte auf dem Markt, während immer noch sehr beliebt. Hohe Leistung / 27Volts / die Möglichkeit, Veränderungen in Puls, geringe Größe und einfache Bedienung. Kann als drahtlose oder Antenne verwendet werden.

Vorrichtung, die für Schlitz­, Waren­, Change, Cafe, Zigarette und andere Maschinen zu testen. Der günstige Preis und umfangreiche Einsatz dieses Gerätes ist immer noch auf der ganzen Welt beliebt. Das Paket beinhaltet: Störsender, Batterieladegerät, einen Abstandshalter, Universal­Adapter, Antenne.

Versiunea de bază a EMP Jammer slot machine jammer. Unul dintre primele dispozitive de pe piață în timp ce încă foarte popular. De înaltă performanță / 27Volts /, posibilitatea de modificari ale pulsului, de dimensiuni mici și o utilizare ușoară. Poate fi folosit ca un fir, sau antena.

Dispozitiv proiectat pentru a testa fantă, vending, schimbare, cafenea, țigări și alte mașini. Prețul favorabil și utilizarea pe scară largă a acestui dispozitiv este încă popular în întreaga lume. Pachetul include: stație de bruiaj, încărcător de baterie, un distanțier, adaptor universal, antenă.

How Big To Use My Emp Slot Machine Jammer Fish Game

Attention. This device is sensitive to high temperatures. Especially in the summer, for example, do not leave in the car, or else the sun. When using the hold button to taste more than 10 seconds., It may overheat.

How Big To Use My Emp Slot Machine Jammers 2019

other uses, see Ray. RAY (short for Raha-automaattiyhdistys, Finland’s Association) is a not-for-profit gambling company in Finland. Like Veikkaus