How To Activate Free Expansion Slot For Destiny 2
Destiny 2: Beyond Light had a bit of a rocky launch, thanks to server and connection issues, followed by players feeling shortchanged by the amount of content in the expansion. Destiny 2 has certainly had its ups and downs, but it seems that critics are now enjoying the new content Beyond Light has added to the mix: additional story, along with the new setting (Europa) and the new darkness power of Stasis.
The Stasis Subclasses can be upgraded through Aspects and Fragments, which grant either a passive effect or active ability. Two Aspects can be equipped at once, and each comes with 1-3 Fragment slots. Fragments can help you tune your powers and control them more accurately.
But getting those Stasis Fragments isn't an easy task: That's because you actually have to finish the Beyond Light campaign before you even get started. Read on to find out what your next steps will be.
Post 100 Progression. So, in tangent to that, I think we need some sort of system that rewards players for longer term investment in gameplay, like Diablo’s Paragon system. This fall with Shadowkeep, Destiny 2 is simultaneously going free-to-play, in part, selling individual seasons, and adding battle passes to the game. And needless to say, things.
Unlock Your Aspects First
Once you've finished the main story, you'll get a screen that tells you some of the things you can do beyond the campaign. To 'Master Stasis,' you need to go to the Exo Stranger to get the 'Born In Darkness' quest. There are several parts to this mission: collecting Energized Ether to defeat 10 enemies with Stasis melee abilities, completing three strikes with Stasis equipped and killing 60 enemies affected by Stasis, taking out Weniks' platoon on Europa, and finally, bringing the Skeleton Key to the Exo Stranger in the Bunker E15 Lost Sector at Eventide Ruins.
At this point, the Exo Stranger sends you out on the 'Aspect of Control' quest. Your goal now is to find five Entropic Shards on Europa and activate them by shooting them with the Salvation's Grip Exotic Grenade Launcher (earning that may require another quest, if you haven't gotten it yet). Once you've done all this, you'll get your first Aspect.

At this point in Destiny 2's lifespan, every Stasis Subclass has two Aspects, and you get your second one from the 'Aspect of Destruction' quest, which is offered to you once you get through 'Born in Darkness.'
Finally, the Fragments
Whew. Now that you've gotten your Aspect, which is the hard part, you can talk to the Exo Stranger and then choose quests that are labeled as Fragment Quests. There will be two new ones available every week.
Fortunately, these quests are available as Strike, Gambit, or Crucible bounties, so you can pick the type of gameplay that you're best at and grind away. Once you've received your Memory Fragment, you can trade it in to the Exo Stranger to receive a Fragment.
Once you get a Fragment, you'll use these passive bonuses to modify how your abilities work. You'll also equip them based on how many slots your Aspect allows. As you can see, this process will take you a while — and figuring which configuration fits your own play-style may add time to that.
Currently available Fragments include: Whisper of Hedrons, Whisper of Fissures, Whisper of Refraction, Whisper of Durance, Whisper of Bonds, and Whisper of Shards, each of which has its own strengths.
Here’s our list of the best weapons in Destiny 2 (in no particular order) and how to acquire them. Destiny 2 has gained a lot of popularity in the world of video games and its weapons have played an important role in it. Destiny 2 has loads of mind-blowing weapons which are capable of ripping your opponents to shreds. Ranging from crazy Legendary guns to powerful Exotics, there are a lot of impressive weapons that players can find. So without any further ado, let’s begin with the weapons list.
Here are the Best Weapons in Destiny 2 in September 2020
1. The Recluse
The Recluse is an extremely popular, powerful and lightweight Pinnacle Void submachine gun that you might have heard everyone talking about. It’s one of the best weapons that you will find but the journey to get it isn’t easy at all. There are quite a few things to do in order to acquire it.
Here’s how to get The Recluse: For this you need to visit Shaxx in the tower and get the ‘From the Mouths of Babes’ pursuit. Then, you need to complete the ‘Stuff of Myth’ Crucible Triumph and reach Fabled Glory rank in the Crucible (by getting about 100 wins). It sounds like a lot (and it is) but the effort is totally worth it.
2. Ace of Spades
If you’re wondering if Ace of Spades is worth it in Destiny 2, we’d say that it totally is! It’s a reliable (and popular) hand cannon because of its perks and its attack power. The Ace of Spades can be your perfect companion if you like to sneak up on your opponents, shoot them accurately for maximum damage and then move back to regenerate your health and reload. With perks like Memento Mori and Firefly, this gun can be unstoppable in good hands.
How to get Ace of Spades: After you start Forsaken, you will meet Banshee-44 who will give you Cayde’s last will and testament which tells you to reclaim the Ace of Spades. Next, Banshee-44 will ask you to do some kills for him so that he can fix the hand cannon. You must kill invaders in Gambit to complete this task. Once you get kills and win Gambit, you need to make 250 hand cannon strike kills. Then, you will need to go to the Crucible and get 25 precision hand cannon kills. After that you need to find Cayde’s personal caches and finally complete the ‘Ace in the Hole’ mission. This will unlock the Ace of Spades for you.
3. Monte Carlo
Monte Carlo is an Exotic Auto Rifle with a sleek design. It has a ‘bayonet’ in the front for melee. Monte Carlo has the ‘Monte Carlo Method’ perk which reduces melee cooldown charge and completely recharges it with each kill. This makes it perfect when you want to regenerate your melee ability. The best perk for Monte Carlo is ‘Markov Chain’. This grants ammo and increased damage making it a perfect combination for players who want a melee based build.
How to get Monte Carlo: This weapon is also a random drop so there’s nothing that you can do, apart from waiting for it for drop from Crucible matches, Nightfall Strikes etc.
4. Beloved
With well above average to excellent weapon statistics, Beloved is hailed as one of the best Snipers in the game by players. Based on a LDR from the first game, this sniper rifle is an Adaptive Frame archetype with Solar damage. It’s one of the easiest to acquire among Legendary snipers with a decent roll every time. Combined with its crisp aiming and competitive perks, it ranks high in the game for lane control and snappy kills. Top perks to take Beloved to the next level are Adaptive Frame, Chambered Compensator, Accurized Rounds, No Distraction and Box Breathing.
How To Activate Free Expansion Slot For Destiny 2 Cheats
How to get Beloved: To get this weapon, first you have to upgrade Chalice of Opulence in the Menagerie for two available slots. The top slot requires Rune of Jubilation and the left slot requires any Red Rune like Rune of Ambition, Rune of Gluttony or Rune of Cunning. After runes are equipped, finish a run of the Menagerie and you will get the sniper from the chest. It’s not uncommon to find Beloveds with some pretty good perks even at the beginning.
5. The Mountaintop
The Mountaintop is a Pinnacle weapon for Crucible which is a lightweight grenade launcher. It’s special perk is ‘Micro-missile’ where the weapon fires in a straight line mimicking a missile with its higher projectile speed. Another unique perk of The Mountaintop is that it instantly detonates on the environment.
How to get The Mountaintop: Getting this prized grenade launcher takes a few steps involving ‘The Ascent’, Glory Rank of Brave, and ‘In Pursuit of Honor’ Triumph. Here’s a detailed guide on how to get The Mountaintop.
How To Activate Free Expansion Slot For Destiny 2 Download
6. Hammerhead
The Hammerhead is a Legendary Machine Gun which is a power-packed heavy slot weapon. If you’re looking to add a Legendary Machine Gun to your arsenal, especially as a copy of Thunderlord, Hammerhead will be a good choice for you in PvE and PvP. Rampage and Feeding Frenzy are a couple of its perks – both of which are great to shoot down your enemies in the most brutal way, especially in Gambit.
How to get Hammerhead: To get Hammerhead, you have to unlock the Volundr Forge which is in the EDZ. When you reach the forge, interact with the furnace to get things started. After you open up the forges, take the weapon frame from Ada-1 in the tower. Complete the Volundr or Bergusia Forges to create your brand new Hammerhead.
7. Bad Juju
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This insane Exotic Pulse Rifle, rightly named Bad Juju, is definitely bad news for your enemies. It has exciting perks like ‘String of Curses’ where kills restores the magazine and heighten damages (by 20%) for some time. It also gives you Super energy depending on the strength of ‘String of Curses’.
Want to know how to unlock this weapon? Check out our guide on how to acquire Bad Juju.
8. Riskrunner
How To Activate Free Expansion Slot For Destiny 2 Xbox One
Riskrunner is an Arc Exotic Submachine Gun which is quite easy to get. It will take just about an hour of hard work.
How to get Riskrunner: You can get Riskrunner by completing the Pain and Gain quest. When you complete this quest, you will receive the SMG and the Riskrunner Catalyst which ramps up its power. To complete this quest, you have to clear a Lost Sector in EDZ and then participatein a Heroic Public event. Then, complete a Nightfall Strike. When your quest updates to Risk/Reward, the next step is to go to the Cosmodrome and kill a Fallen Walker tank as well as three Dusk Captains. After all of these, a new jumping puzzle quest opens up with the SMG as reward at the end. Make sure to use Riskrunner to take down the very next boss to receive Riskrunner Catalyst, earning you a even more powerful Riskrunner at the end.
9. Hard Light
Hard Light is an Exotic Auto Rifle that has grown in popularity over time. Along with the exotic perk Volatile Light, rounds fired from Hard Light gets no damage falloff – they are equally impactful from far and up close. Plus, they overpenetrate targets and ricochet off hard surfaces which in turn increases its projectile damage. You will also see a Polygonal Rifling perk which increases the stability of the rifle and an Alloy Magazine perk which gives you a faster reload when you empty the magazine. Combined with good rate of fire and large magazine Hard Light has become a complete fan favorite weapon.
How to get Hard Light: It’s a random drop, so there is no quest to complete to get it. There are some other ways like buying it from Xur and acquiring Exotic Engrams.
10. 21% Delirium
21% Delirium is a Legendary Arc Machine Gun which has one of the fastest time-to-kill for machine guns. Its special perk is Killing Tally which means that kills increase the weapon’s damage until you stow or reload it. Another perk is the Overflow which reloads the gun to higher than normal capacity when the player picks up power ammo or energy.
How to get 21% Delirium: First, visit the Tower and meet the Drifter. Get the ‘By Your Bootstraps’ Pursuit from him. Then, complete the ‘Notorious Hustle’ triumph in Gambit. To do this you need 75 multikills, beat Envoys and Primevals and reset your Infamy rank.
Some more special mentions:
- Izanagi’s Burden (Sniper Rifle)
- Steelfeather Repeater (Auto Rifle)
- Wish-Ender (Bow)
These are our recommendations for the Destiny 2 Best Weapons. You can check out our Destiny 2 guides, Tips and Tricks for more information.