Minecraft Small Slot Machine
Minecraft is a virtual multi-verse of infinite building possibilities. More specifically, Minecraft is about fabulous adventures across a dizzying number of worlds. It is possible to build anything your heart desires by simply placing blocks in the right place. Luckily, there is no set rule or framework to abide. You are the creative genius.
The slot machine for lucky people
Lucker is a slot machine for Skript I made a while ago.
First of all, Lucker needs these plugins:
Skript: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/skript/
Wildskript: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/wildskript/
SkQuery: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/skquery/
Test server: kopsukkatest.net9.fi
But Kopsukka, this is so unoriginal.
I tried to make some extra content,
including the fact that everything can be configured.
Also, there's an option to only allow a single user to use one machine at a time.
So it's configurable? What an original feature!
Well, take a look at this then:
version: 1.1 #do not change or it will create an endless loop
luckerprefix: &9Lucker >> #Prefix for commands and messages
commandaliases: luck, slots #Commands you'd like to use, also the /lucker is always active.
noPerms: &cSorry, you don't have access to this command. :(
commandHeader: &6&l&m-------------------&6 Lucker &6&l&m-------------------
commandFooter: &6&l&m-------------------&6 Lucker &6&l&m-------------------
commandUpdateInfo: &6/lucker update&e: Updates to the latest version
commandReloadInfo: &6/lucker reload&e: Reloads changes made to the config
commandWandInfo: &6/lucker wand&e: Gives the Lucker creation wand
updatenotify: &aA new update found! Please use &c/lucker update&f. #Message when joining and there's a new update - Requires permission lucker.update
updatingmsg: &aLucker is updating.. Sorry about possible lag. :( #Message when updating, is a broadcast.
updatedmsg: &aLucker has been updated! Thanks :) #Message when update is done, also a broadcast
signStatusAvailable: &9Available #If the machine is not in use, this is the first line.
signStatusRolling: &9Rolling.. #If the machine is rolling, this is the first line.
signStatusRolled: &9Game over! #Line 1 when the rolling ends
signLine4: &9» &3Lucker &9« #Line 4, is always that one
slotsLineColor: &9 #Color for line 2, where the slots spin
signOnWin: &9You won! #Sign text on win
signAfterWin: &9Previous won! #OnWin-text changes to this later
signOnLose: &9You lost! #Sign text on lose
signAfterLose: &9Previous lost! #OnLose-text changes to this later
signOnJackpot: &9Jackpot! #Sign text on jackpot
signAfterJackpot: &9Previous won #OnJackpot-text changes to this later
signJackpotMark: &2✪ #Used in the jackpot win things
signActivate: Lucker Activate #When creating a sign with this on the second line, creates a lucker machine
cost: 1 gold ingot #what does the machine cost? You can also use multiple items, ex. 2 diamonds and 3 gold ingots
limitMachine: false #If true, player can only play on one machine at a time.
messageRolling: &aRolling! #continues with the cost-option inside (). Message on roll
messageLimit: &cYou are already rolling. #Requires limitMachine to be true
messageWin0: &aYou won with the code 0|0|0 #Message when winning with that code
messageWin1: &aYou won with the code 1|1|1 #Message when winning with that code
messageLose: &aYou lost :( #Message on lose
messageJackpot: &aYou won the jackpot! #Message on jackpot
messageRestarting: &aPlease wait, the machine is restarting. #On rightclick when is restarting (the part after rolling)
messageOnUse: &aSomeone is already using this machine. #On rightclick when machine is on
messageNoMoney: &aSorry, but you don't have #continues with the cost-option, says if doesn't have enough items
soundRolling: note.hat #Sounds on roll
soundLastroll: note.snare #Last roll before the win/lose
soundWin: random.orb #spams this sound on win
soundJackpot: random.orb #spams this sound on jackpot
soundLose: note.bassattack #sound on lose, executes 2 times with a different pitch
soundReset: note.bassattack #sound when resetting the machine
prizeOnWin0: 5 gold ingots and 2 diamonds #What you get, when the last combination is 000
prizeOnWin1: 3 gold ingots and 1 diamond #What you get, when the last combination is 111
prizeOnJackpot: 8 gold ingots and 4 diamonds #What you get, when you get a jackpot
wand: a blaze rod named '&a&lLucker Wand &7&l&m-&a Create Luckers easily!' #Right click a sign with this wand -> Lucker machine
wandReceiveMsg: &aYou received a wand, so you are able to create Lucker machines.
I also made the setup smooth.
You can either create a sign with text 'Lucker Activate' (configurable)
on the second line, or you can take the creation wand and
rightclick a sign with that. Easy, huh?

There are also some commands.
/lucker update updates this skript
to the latest version.
/lucker reload reloads the skript.
/lucker wand gives you a wand
which allows you to create these machines
by right clicking signs
Updating the plugin with /lucker update and
viewing the update notifier: lucker.update
Reloading the file with /lucker reload: lucker.reload
Making Luckers with the text on the second line of
the sign and usage of the wand
with /lucker wand: lucker.activate
How to install?

Also, sorry for it being so simple.
It's my first public script afterall.
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Slot Machine Plugin
Minecraft Small Slot Machine Games
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Minecraft Small Slot Machines
© Slot Machines IGT, WMS, WILLIAMS, BALLY, GAME KING, CDS, SIGMA, KONAMI, ATRONIC. All rights reserved.
UsedSlotsMachines.com has no affiliations with WMS Gaming, Williams, IGT, Bally, Sigma, CDS, Atronic or any other trade names or trademarks.